Back To School Action Plan

By Amy Bergman
Summer is almost over and we are fully into Back-to-School season. No need to panic. I’ve put together an action plan to help you get ready and to ensure that your family will have a successful academic year.
Create or Refresh a Homework Station
The first thing I would start with is creating a space for your kids to do homework and unwind. I have some amazing tips for creating a homework caddy and creating a snack station for after school!
Set up a Command Center
Setting up a command center for all the papers and other items that come home is a great way to reduce extra “stuff” lying around the kitchen counters. I love the Pottery Barn system, but have used dollar store clipboards as well!
Post a Calendar
Digital calendars are great for keeping track of all the details: the addresses, the notes, the directions for getting places. But it’s also helpful to have the big events posted IRL, where everyone can see the shape of the week at a glance. Use a dry-erase board, a chalkboard or even index cards hung from a clothesline with clothespins. Use a different color marker or chalk for each member of the family.
Create a “home file” for the school year
Use a simple file box or a cabinet drawer. Each child has a file for each class with a color-coded file for easy searching. Not only does this system give kids a place to unload past assignments, it also helps them organize reference materials (e.g., a periodic table of elements) as the semester changes.
Create a Morning Routine Schedule or Checklist
Back to school organization means planning for the mornings. School mornings are a hectic time of day in most households. And if you want to start your school days off with a minimum of stress plan out a morning routine ahead of time.
Ask yourself (and your family) these questions:
- What time will everyone get up?
- Do you need a shower schedule?
- What’s the plan for breakfast?
- Will your kids lay out clothes the night before? Or choose clothes in the morning?
Start talking about this now so that the first day of school doesn’t fall apart before it begins. Be flexible, if it isn’t working by week two, change it up!
If your child has trouble getting moving in the morning or staying focused, consider a visual schedule or checklist for them to complete. This can help your child feel organized and more importantly, minimize arguments or frustration between you and your kids.
Stock Up on School Supplies (by now you most likely have done this)
If you haven’t picked up all your supplies, try looking at the some non-traditional places like the dollar store and your local pharmacy, they often are still well-stocked and inexpensive.
Organize the Backseat of Your Car
Replace all the items you need to have there for the school year: extra pens and pencils, snacks, wipes, etc. Breezing through the drop-off line is easy when kids can grab their toys, water cup or (let’s face it) on-the-go breakfast from a stash in the car. To keep everything organized, try this backseat organizer for $28 AT AMAZON
Refresh or Set up a First Aid Kit
Accidents happen, and sometimes at the most inopportune times. Be ready to handle one quickly by preparing a first-aid kit in advance. Fill it with things like alcohol wipes, band-aids and antibiotic ointment, so you can always stay on schedule.
Prepare for the First Day Photo Op
They might roll their eyes at you now, but you know that these are the moments you won’t want to miss. Gather all the accessories (chalkboard, décor) and cute backdrop items you will want to stage for the “money shot”. Here’s a cute one for $10 AT AMAZON.
This action plan for Back-to-School will definitely help you get off on the right foot this year. Let me know which action items worked for you!
Amyzing Spaces provides professional organization for your home & office! Amy Bergman, a native Floridan, has always had a passion for organizing & simplifying things in life. She would love to help you make your space Amyzing!!! Check out her website at, and you will see how she works with her clients to organize spaces in their homes & offices, creating systems that work for them so they can achieve more calm in their space and be even more productive & efficient with their time. You can also follow her on Facebook & Instagram. She posts excellent organizational tips and resources there as well.