Let’s Get Organized for the Holidays!

By Amy Bergman
The holidays are upon us— no need to get overwhelmed. Here are five things you can do now before things get crazy. By organizing and decluttering these few categories, your holiday season can be enjoyable for everyone, even you!
1. Common Areas & Guest Spaces: Declutter these areas in your home now in anticipation of guests for gatherings or visiting. Pair down all the accessories and decor in your home to make way for your holiday decorations. Store any extra random coffee table books, knickknacks, and picture frames in a box that you can access after the holidays to reset. Will you be expecting overnight guests? Start clearing out that extra bedroom (and its closet or a bureau) for your guests. Check on the state of your guest towels and sheets, and assess whether or not you need to buy some new ones or freshen up with what you have in the laundry.
2. Toys and Games: We all know that gifts are coming and this includes lots of toys and games. Now is the time to go through everything that you already have in your house. Include your kids in the process of deciding what is not really cherished and being used, and what could go to someone else who may appreciate it more. This will help make way for all the new and fun things.
3. Dates and Lists: This is the time when you need to finalize any of your holiday gift-giving lists (don’t forget teachers, letter carriers, service people, etc.). Here are some templates for holiday gift lists. Go through your family calendar and make sure important dates are there, including holiday get-togethers, school concerts, performances, visits from relatives, trips, etc. Make sure everyone knows where to view this calendar with all of the special occasions you plan on attending for the next two months. If sending holiday cards, update your address or email list now. Decide on a photo or stock image to use and order your cards or design your e-card now. Check on your stock of wrapping paper tape and holiday cards, buy what you need now.
4. Closets and Cars: Celebrating the holidays means attending lots of different special meals and occasions. Look at your closet now, as well as your kids’ closets, and decide what fits and what needs to be cleaned or mended. Also, make sure that there are appropriate shoes and accessories for these outfits. This will help you decide what items need to be purchased. Take any outgrown clothes, or those that are no longer wanted, to a donation site now to clear up space. Next, let’s talk about cars. There will be lots of traveling and road trips in the next two months. Let’s clear out all the trash now and make sure that your car is stocked with what you will need to so everyone is happy on the road this holiday season. This includes snacks, empty trash bags, hand wipes, hand sanitizer, waters, blankets/pillows, electronic chargers, games, and even some basic gift wrap for last-minute gifts (think a gift bag and a bow). Here’s a great list of how to stock your car.
5. Pets: Make arrangements for your pets now if you plan on going away or traveling during the holiday season.
Amyzing Spaces provides professional organization for your home & office! Amy Bergman, a native Floridan, has always had a passion for organizing & simplifying things in life. She would love to help you make your space Amyzing!!! Check out her website at www.amyzingspaces.com, and you will see that she will be working with her clients to organize spaces in your home & office creating systems that work for you so you can achieve more peaceful calm in your space and be even more productive & efficient with your time. You can also follow her on Facebook & Instagram. She posts excellent tips and resources there as well.