New Toys, Gift Cards, and Book Donations now being accepted for Children in the Foster Care system through Speak Up for Kids

In Palm Beach County there are over 1,600 children involved in dependency court proceedings, who navigate this special season without their family, through no fault of their own as they are the victims of abuse and neglect.
The Florida Guardian ad Litem (GAL) Program in Palm Beach County is a partnership of community advocates and professional staff providing a powerful voice on behalf of Florida’s abused and neglected children. Guardian ad Litem Volunteers (GALs) are trained, court-appointed advocates for children who have been abused, abandoned or neglected.
Speak Up for Kids is a not-for-profit organization whose sole purpose is to support the Guardian ad Litem program in Palm Beach County by funding projects and needs that are not supported through other sources. This is why Speak Up For Kids exists.
EACH HOLIDAY TIME DONATION goes directly to the purchase of a gift card, new toy, or new book for a child in the dependency court system here in Palm Beach County. IN CELEBRATION OF YOUR GIVING HEART, Speak Up for Kids PBC will send YOU a #RedEnvelope, featuring the story and pictures of children we support right here in Palm Beach County. A child who’s holiday YOU JUST made bright! SHARE + OPEN your #RedEnvelope at your special time of holiday celebrations, as a gift to YOUR HEART. This is your GIFT OF JOY, as you remember the impact that we can have here in our own community.
Speak Up For Kids is also collecting NEW toys, gift cards, and books for their Holiday Toy Drive. “We collect for 1600+ children – all children in care, we are the only agency that does that. We do have a gift guide when people are looking for suggestions, but anything is welcome!” Children range in age from newborns to 18 years old. 50% of the children Speak Up for Kids cares for are under 5. You can reach out to Coleen LaCosta directly at to find out how you can make a difference this holiday season.
Speak Up For Kids Palm Beach County, Inc. is a non-profit located in West Palm Beach. You can find out more ways to help (volunteer, donations and more) at