Working from Home with Kids? How to Manage…

As of right now Palm Beach County Schools are not in session and there is a good chance that your boss has also sent you home to work remote! At first this might sound great! No commute, no getting ready for school in the morning and packing lunches. But now a week has gone by maybe two and reality is starting to set in you still have a job to do and now you have virtual school! What to do? Here are some tips to hopefully ease some of the pain we will all be experiencing in the next couple of weeks (or longer).
Set Up a Workstation
First things first! Your child or children are going to need a distraction free place to do their schoolwork. One of the first things I did was set up a table for my kids iwth two chromebooks that their school gave them. I set myself up nearby to work as well- close enough I can keep an eye on them but far enough I can still do my work. Do you still need to hold meetings or take calls? Check out getting a headset with a noise-canceling microphone and mute button. This will be helpful to block out noisy children during calls.
Allowing Independence
This is a great time for your children can start being a little independent. Let them craft or read on their own. If you can watch them in the yard, take your tablet or computer outside and let them play. Fill a snack basket so they can help themselves and not rely on you for everything. I have arranged the bottom refrigerator and pantry shelf where my kids, ages 11 and 8, can grab drinks and cheese sticks or other approved snack foods without pestering me for snacks and drinks.
Take a Break and Work in Intervals
Multitasking decreases efficiency, so try to separate work and family time. Set a timer for about 90 minutes to keep yourself and kids on track. Offer rewards if the kids don’t disturb you before the timer goes off. Take a break yourself maybe share a snack with your kids or go outside for a walk or a bike ride and get some fresh air.
Dividing Up Child Care
Are there two adults working at home now? Or an older child who can look after young ones for a few hours? Maybe you have a grandparent nearby? I am very lucky my parents live next door to me so that allows for outdoor recess time with Nana and Papa. If you have a partner that works at home as well, check in and see if you can help each other out taking shifts especially if one has a big project or deadline.
Establish a Schedule
Does it need to be color coded? NO! But do have a routine in place so the children know this isn’t a lazy Saturday. Set an alarm to get up at the same time every morning, schedule what time lunch is and create some kind of structure. Assign them academic time, creative time, outside recess. If the weather is bad youtube dance videos to burn off that energy. Create some downtime where they get to chose their favorite actvitity to do quietly.
If your children are older, explain to them that you have work that must get done and they can help you out if they could work independently on their activities. Tell them the sooner you get done with your work the closer we get to having fun!
Don’t Be Hard on Yourself
Cut yourself some slack. These days ahead will not be perfect and maybe some days your kids had a little too much screen time so you could get your work done. This is temporary, and it will be ok in the long run when things return to normal. Stay safe and sane!